TEL Community of Practice – A Strategic Implementation of RPL at SETU
Dear colleagues
Welcome back. Our next Community of Practice event ‘A Strategic Implementation of RPL at SETU“ takes place at 1pm on Thursday January 30th.
In this CoP session, we are joined by Deirdre Harkin, Project Lead for the National Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Project at SETU.
‘This session focuses on the practical implementation of RPL policy and strategies at SETU through a collaborative and consultative approach which has strengthened stakeholder engagement with RPL. It will look at recent initiatives which have aided in the practical implementation of RPL at the university’.
There will be an opportunity for discussion, and questions and answers at the end of the presentation.
This will be a hybrid event hosted via Zoom and in the Growth Hub, Cork Road Campus.
Tea, coffee, and refreshments will be provided during the event.