Content and Interaction for Teaching and Learning
Aim of Module
The module aims to provide a conceptual awareness of the impact of educational interfaces while focusing on the role of visual design, adopting a language-sensitive approach to the development of content online and considering new forms of assessment.
Module learning outcomes
On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the conceptual decisions defining the development of educational interfaces by implementing associated strategies and tools.
- Implement up-to-date principles of user experience design and information design through visuals and text.
- Construct an electronic self/peer review assessment (by choosing appropriate criteria to develop a rubric, and using an appropriate LMS activity).
- Demonstrate a critical awareness of the online environment as an in-between space where language plays a central role in digital education.
- Identify the principles underpinning ‘literacy as social practice’ for the application to the design of teaching and learning strategies in a blended learning environment.
Mode of Assessment
100% Continuous Assessment
Dates for Semester 2
Semester 2
Tuesday 7 March 6.30pm – 9.30pm
Tuesday 14 March 6.30pm – 9.30pm
Optional Tutorial/Lab Thurs 23 March 1-2pm
Saturday 25 March 9.30am – 12.30pm
Optional Tutorial/Lab Thurs 30 March 1-2pm
Tuesday 4 April 6.30pm – 9.30pm
Dr Zeta Dooley
This module is part of the following programmes:
- Certificate in Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL)
- MEd in Teaching and Learning
Please note that when you sign up, you will be contacted to accept your place.
Dr Zeta Dooly