TEL Community of Practice: Gillian Fielding
How Higher Education is benefitting from Blackboard Ally
Our next TEL Community of Practice will be a hybrid event. It will take place on campus on Tuesday 05th of April at 1.15pm (finger food available from 1pm) in the Growth Hub, Room F10 on the Cork Rd campus, and online on Zoom.
This session is presented by Gillian Fielding – Client Experience Manager – Blackboard.
Find out how students, staff and universities are benefitting from Ally whether it is the alternative file formats which make learning on a mobile, in different environments, to suit different preferences, etc; whether it’s helping staff guide staff to make their learning content more digitally accessible; or helping universities identify what support, communications and training is needed.
Blackboard Ally has been recently introduced in WIT as a new content accessibility tool for Moodle (VLE). WIT’s Disability Office and Centre for Technology Enhanced Learning (CTEL) have been working collaboratively on this project, the aim is to create a more inclusive learning environment and improve the student experience by helping them take clear control of course content with usability, accessibility and quality in mind.
If you haven’t discovered Ally yet or want to learn how you can benefit from it, then do join this session.
Tea, coffee and finger food will be available from 1pm with the session kicking off at 1.15pm.
This event is being delivered in a hybrid mode – please select ticket type
- Select the Attend In Person (Growth Hub + finger food) ticket if you are attending in person.
- Select the Attend Online (Zoom) if you are attending online.
The Zoom link will be shared by midday on Tuesday 05th April.
Gillian Fielding